

The C9P software platform emphasizes advanced product identification. Imagery and data about inbound and outbound product is collected and managed smartly and instantaneously.

Manual data entry minimized, accuracy maximized

Gathering new levels of product data and driving inference modeling through imagery. Fast product SKU identification through barcode reading and optical character recognition (textual data on labels and cases).

Easy, Fast Access To Images and Data For Auditing and Claims

Reduce costs associated with damaged goods by automatically identifying and classifying damaged product with image-based evidence of product condition at receiving or prior to shipping. Complete image record of pallet and mapping to SKU identifier.


Efficient and precise MAPPING solutions accelerate the process of collecting and assigning ground truths, in turn, accelerating model training and driving up machine learning model accuracy.

Platform Intelligence

Datasets are grown and managed allowing images of critical product characteristics to be used for training in machine learning and construction of inference models
  1. Single and multiple pallet stack identification
  2. Ti, Hi, and Quantity calculation
  3. Full pallet, individual case, object dimensioning
  4. Damage to product cases, containers, bags
  5. Identify non-compliant or incorrect product
  6. Measure lean, rotation, skew
  • Continuous improvement tracking
  • Detailed success rate monitoring
  • Confidence scoring for operational cross-check thresholds
  • Architecture with extendability for data communication and integration with warehouse management systems
  • Error analysis and management